About Us
RRSEU stands for Rio Rancho School Employees' Union. RRSEU is an advocate for all school employees in Rio Rancho Public Schools. We work for better learning conditions for the children and better working conditions for the employees. RRSEU works to ensure rights and fair benefits and compensation for Bargaining Unit Members through collective bargaining.
RRSEU is affiliated with both of the major school employees unions, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA). In addition, we are affiliated with AFL-CIO.
The members of RRSEU run RRSEU. Officers are democratically elected. RRSEU follows the By-Laws and Constitution of RRSEU. (You may refer to Documents page for these files.)
The Executive Council is the chief governance body of the RRSEU. It is made up of the 7 officers and building representatives from each work site.
All major decisions and policies go through the Executive Council. In addition, members of the Executive Council take responsibility for various constituencies within the Union, for example the Vice-President for Certified Staff deals with training for teachers and the Vice-President for EAs has responsibility for training and involving EAs.
All constituencies are represented on the Council. The council also takes responsibility for the business aspect of the Union, managing the budget, informing members of opportunities to attend conferences and conventions, and providing liaisons.

Our Principles
At RRSEU, we believe:
A high-quality, free education for all children is the foundation of our democracy.
Every student deserves a network of caring, qualified adults to support and encourage them on their educational journey.
For children to be successful, independent adults they must develop a wide range of skills, including creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, self-control, and collaboration.
Rio Rancho Public Schools can be a model for innovative, high-quality public education in New Mexico.
The Common Core State Standards are a big step in the right direction, but must be adequately funded and understood to maximize their effectiveness.
The people who work most closely with children should have their voices heard and expertise respected when determining educational policies and priorities.
History of Presidents
Billie Helean - Current President
Ben Steiner
Kimberly Allis
Peggy Stielow
Carl Brady
Diana Bonilla
Jim Pacini and Diana Bonilla
Mara Minwegan
Wynn Olmon